How Will You Stay Warm When the Power is Out? Think Portable Generator!

On March 8, 2013, in Generators, by Staff

It's time to start preparing for winter and one of the things you should prepare for is what to do if your power goes out? How will you stay warm? Cooking? Keeping your food in the fridge from going bad? Think : portable generator. There are several types of generators to choose from and one […]

It's time to start preparing for winter and one of the things you should prepare for is what to do if your power goes out? How will you stay warm? Cooking? Keeping your food in the fridge from going bad? Think : portable generator.

There are several types of generators to choose from and one will be the perfect fit for your situation. We have years of experience selling and maintaining generators. When you're choosing a portable generator for your home, consider that is important to you in a generator.

You obviously want a portable generator that's convenient to use and easy to use. What about run times? Do you need it for just the nights to keep your family warm or during the day well, longer run times are something you need to consider. Easy to transport, remember not all portable generators are easily portable. Noise can also be a factor. Some portable generators are far more quiet than others.

If you're ready to add a generator to your home preparedness plan - call us today and let's discuss what your power needs are so we can help you choose the perfect portable generator to meet your requirements.

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