The Workings of Magnetic Electric Generators

On March 23, 2012, in Generators, by

Learn how a magnetic electric generator functions. They are even very easy to build.

Magnetic electric generators have gotten a lot of attention in the news and around the web recently, you may have seen an article on them but were still confused about how they worked. You are not alone; a lot of people don't know much about them. But they are actually not as complicated as people think.

The state of the economy means that lots of people are searching for ways to reduce their energy costs so magnetic electric generators have become increasingly popular with everyone except the energy companies!

Though it is true that solar power and wind power have been in use for some time; the energy level generated by these methods is actually quite small. This limited potential has spurred the interest in magnetic electric generators.

But how does a magnetic generator actually work?

Everyone has seen a magnet and knows what they are. Many of us are using them in our homes right now. As children, we experimented with what happens when you place two magnets close to each other. We watched them repel each other and felt the magnetic forces that pushed them apart.

A magnetic electric generator works by utilizing the repellent forces of the magnets. The generator aligns a number of magnets in such a way that the make a small wheel spin which creates a turbine and generates power.

Laws of perpetual motion means that once set up, this turbine would spin virtually forever.

How can perpetual motion help a generator to work?

Perpetual motion means that something moves forever. The opposing forces of the magnets will keep your generator spinning forever once it starts.

This is how your magnetic electricity generator will produce free energy for you.

You can find suitable magnets almost anywhere.

The average magnet will function for almost four hundred years!

Magnetic electric generators are already in use by hundreds of thousands of people all across the globe who have built and used them to reduce or eliminate their energy bills!

Look into the new energy focus, the magnetic energy generator. Acquire wealth of information on how magnetic generators work, benefits and many other informative tips on saving electricity. Learn how to build a magnetic generator today; Master the true knowledge of generating free energy.

Author: Gallen Ho
Article Source:
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