Reduce Electricity Bills By Using Electricity Generators

On March 14, 2013, in Generators, by

Let's face it. Most everything seems to be going up in price...gas, food, utilities, etc. If you're struggling to make ends meet, then you might want to consider generating your own electricity. This will greatly reduce your electrical bill by 50% or more! In addition, electricity generators are a step toward going green by making use of natural resources to generate power.

Let's face it. Most everything seems to be going up in price...gas, food, utilities, etc. If you're struggling to make ends meet, then you might want to consider generating your own electricity. This will greatly reduce your electrical bill by 50% or more! In addition, electricity generators are a step toward going green by making use of natural resources to generate power.

There are different types of electricity generators. Generators have been made from wind, sun or water and some from magnets. One of the most effective ones involves the use of portable solar. Usually the portable solar electricity generators come in either 12 or 30 amps with a cable and DC plugs for input. These units are easy to use and have been factory tested. They come fully assembled which means they are ready to be used as soon as you need them.

The portable solar electricity generators are user friendly. It's easy to tell whether or not the unit is charged by checking the battery meter. The generator is resistant to weather and corrosion. The unit can be recharged from a solar module or the optional AC battery charger.

Why keep an electricity generator on hand? Think back to the frustrations that you experienced the last time there was a power outage. You weren't able to turn on a light, use your desk top computer, watch TV or listen to the radio. This generator works great for lights, laptops, fans and other items that consume up to 90 watts of electricity. It's one thing to be without power for an hour or two, but if you have to be without power for two or three days, then the generator is such a plus to have.

In addition to the portable generators, some people are opting to build permanent electricity generators. These generators use much bigger solar panels and can draw more electricity. They are so powerful that you can run your washing machine, dishwasher or even a TV with it. The cost of building your own solar generator is just a few hundred dollars-a small investment for the many hundreds you'll save over time.

So how do you get started in making your own electricity generator or purchasing one? The easiest thing is to go online and do a search. You'll be amazed at how much information is readily available. You can download step by step instructions and easily build a generator over the weekend. is filled with articles on Residential Generators and more. Visit the site for more information.

Author: Kaz Thompson
Article Source:
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