Portable Electric Generator – Your Mobile Power Solution

On March 2, 2012, in Generators, by

A portable electric generator is a 'mobile' solution of power. They are of sizes that are easily movable, when on wheels of a trolley of course. The generator is generally inbuilt in the trolley. Actually the term generator is a little bit of a misnomer. The actual generator or the appliance that generates the electricity to be used is a part of the generator and is specifically called an alternator.

A portable electric generator is a 'mobile' solution of power. They are of sizes that are easily movable, when on wheels of a trolley of course. The generator is generally inbuilt in the trolley. Actually the term is a little bit of a misnomer. The actual generator or the appliance that generates the electricity to be used is a part of it and is specifically called an alternator. It is because this appliance generates current in the form of an alternating current, the current that is the same as the current in the utility grid. The other parts are the engine and the fuel tank. A total set, comprised of an alternator, an engine, a fuel tank and other related devices is commercially known as a genset.

In generators, size is a major criterion. The bigger the engine is, the more powerful it is. More powerful engines require more fuels, so bigger is the fuel tank too. The bigger is the size of the charged circuit inside the alternator is, the more is the generation of electricity. Bigger circuits require more powerful engines to run. So, obviously the bigger the generator is, the more electricity is generated. The amount of electricity generated by portable generators thus depends on the size.

Thus, before purchasing a portable genset the electricity requirement should be pre-calculated. Portables can generate electricity up to approximately 1000 watts to 17, 500 watts, and various different sizes are available. So, in order to decide which one to own, you have to determine your electricity requirement first. You can also consult a professional electrician to determine the wattage value that you require. While such calculating, one has to keep in mind the electrical fluctuations of comparatively bigger household appliances also.

Installation is a very vital procedure. Though you may think in a portable there is nothing much to install and you can keep it anywhere you wish, yet the truth is there are some very important safety precautions that must be taken. They have proved extremely hazardous in the absence of proper safety precautions. The two primary precautions are never to keep the portable generator in a congested or crammed space (to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning) and never to overload the generator supply. Also, it must be refueled only when it has properly cooled down and heat and chemical resistant gloves should be always worn while handling.

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Author: Nazima Golamaully
Article Source: EzineArticles.com
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